29 April 2015

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of OCI N.V.

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OCI N.V. (NYSE Euronext: OCI) ) invites shareholders to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) to be held on Wednesday 10 June 2015 at 15:00 CET at Hotel De l’Europe,  Nieuwe Doelenstraat 2-14, 1012 CP Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Voting items are:

  1. Proposal to adopt the Annual Accounts 2014;
  2. Proposal to allocate the profits over the 2014 financial year to the reserves;
  3. Proposal to discharge the Executive Directors from liability;
  4. Proposal to discharge the Non-Executive Directors from liability;
  5. Proposal to appoint Mr. G. Heckman as Non-Executive Director;
  6. Proposal to reappoint Mr. M. Bennett as Non-Executive Director;
  7. Proposal to reappoint Mr. J. Ter Wisch as Non-Executive Director;
  8. Proposal to adjust the Remuneration Policy;
  9. Proposal to appoint KPMG as auditor charged with the auditing of the Annual Accounts for the 2015 financial year;
  10. Proposal to increase the issued share capital and to amend the articles of association of the Company;
  11. Proposal to designate the Board of Directors as the authorised body to issue shares in the share capital of the Company;
  12. Proposal to designate the Board of Directors as the authorised body to restrict or exclude pre-emptive rights upon the issuance of shares; and
  13. Proposal to authorise the Board of Directors to repurchase shares in the share capital of the Company.

The full agenda including explanatory notes, the Annual Report, the Annual Accounts, the new Remuneration Policy and the proposal to amend the articles of association of the Company are available at OCI N.V.’s offices and can be accessed via the website www.oci.nl. Copies of these can also be obtained there free of charge, and via ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (ABN AMRO) by telephone: +31 (0)20 3442000 or by email: corporate.broking@nl.abnamro.com

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