Powering a cleaner future
Angled fan

Powering a cleaner future

As a game-changing leader in low carbon solutions we're decarbonizing the energy-intensive industries that shape, feed and fuel our world.

A global producer and distributor of hydrogen and nitrogen based products, we’re providing low carbon industrial feedstock and transport solutions to customers around the world.

A base feedstock for hundreds of end-market products from plastics to textiles, healthcare to electronics, as well as an ideal fuel for power generation, ammonia is one of the world’s most essential and extensively used industrial chemicals.

Through our cleaner solutions we’re supporting industries to decarbonize across their value chains and reduce their emissions, driving forward a new era of energy.

Während wir unsere Abläufe dekarbonisieren, reduzieren wir auch den Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck unserer Kunden und deren Endprodukte.

Inputs zur Ammoniakproduktion

Erneuerbare Energie
Natural Gas


Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -nutzung & Speicherung
Energieeffizienz und Zuverlässigkeit
Erneuerbare Energie für Versorgungsunternehmen

End customers

Hunderte von Produkten aus Kosmetik, Textilien, Elektronik, Pharmazie, Kunststoffen und mehr...

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